Category Archives: Crusades

TB Joshua Healing: The Lump In My Left Lung Disappeared

I discovered this amazing testimony from 2006 when Prophet T.B. Joshua visited Singapore for a crusade. It was actually on the ‘Church Of Our Saviour’ website. I believe you will be encouraged as you read!

ON 25 NOVEMBER 2006, my family and I went to the doctor to discuss my recent pre-employment chest X-ray report. To our disappointment, the doctor wanted another X-ray done because the report from the first X-ray found a 1.5 cm lump in my left lung.The second X-ray proved the first one right. The report also suggested a further CT scan. The doctor explained that this was to rule out cancer and lymphoma. At the same time, the new company that I was supposed to start work in two days time, requested me to have a clean bill of health before giving confirmation to hire me. This meant that if the third scan were to suggest any lump, I would lose my new job anytime. I was not holding a job having left my ex-company. Being the sole breadwinner in the family, I needed to secure a regular salary but the onset of this issue affected us deeply.

TB Joshua At The Singapore Crusade

TB Joshua At The Singapore Crusade, 2006

During that weekend, my wife and I prayed fervently and requested church friends and relatives to keep us in prayer. Their support and encouragement keep us at peace. It was a blessing too, that on 26 November 2006, Prophet T.B Joshua was at our church. We were there and were very encouraged by the Prophet’s anointing by God. This was the first time I witnessed God healing people so directly. Through the videos shown, (i.e. a crippled man completely healed and a heart attack person who died and through prayer was resurrected) I was very inspired and had a sudden eagerness to witness a live miracle healing. Though seated in the overspill area, I sneaked into the auditorium and saw many being healed.

My faith was boosted seeing these miracles! I prayed to God to let me touch Prophet T.B Joshua. I knew I would be healed completely as Jesus’ anointing in him will have the power to heal me. Due to the large crowd, I thought I might not be able to approach him near enough to touch him but in my spirit I persisted in prayer for a breakthrough. The breakthrough came when the man of God was on the way to his car and I was there. Before he went off he stopped to pray for a wheelchair bound child. As he turned toward the child I could sense this was the opportunity for me to touch him on his back. Praise the Lord, I touched Jesus there and then and in my heart I knew I was healed – “By His stripes, He has healed me”.

Later on at home, my wife suggested that I could also lay hands on myself and be healed. I did just that and interestingly, I felt the sensation of something dissolving inside my lung. She shared that while she was in church, the Lord impressed on her that “Those who seek Him will not be disappointed.” She had great faith over my healing. On 30 November 2006, I went for the third scan. During the wait to get my result, God impressed in my heart to focus my life towards Him instead of using my own strength and effort for results to happen. This verse came to mind: “ All things are possible with the power of God and His word of life”. With this prompting I handed over the worldly burden of my career, relationship, finance and health to God. Seven days later, we received the good news that the lump was completely gone! The doctor could not give us an explanation towards the initial X-rays done but assured that I am completely well, with no lumps! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

TB Joshua Prayer

TB Joshua praying for healing at The SCOAN prayer line

I thank our Lord Jesus for prompting me to write this testimony, as I believe He wants me to share this good news to those who need encouragement, to know that “God Never Fails”. When you seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all these things (including good health) shall be added onto you. I want to thank my family members and church friends who have prayed for me in times of need. God bless all of you.

Vincent Chuah

SOURCE: Church Of Our Saviour – Saviour’s Times

God is good! Once again, we want to hear your testimonies! Email and share what God has done for you through His servant, Prophet T.B. Joshua.


Filed under Crusades, Healing, Singapore